What can you do when you become dizzy?
Being dizzy is not a pleasant experience!
It is scary, frustrating, debilitating and affects all aspects of your life – talking or getting information about what is happening can be difficult, but that’s where the Dizziness, Balance & Concussion Centre comes in.
Thankfully, although the experience is an awful one, there is usually a benign reason behind it rather than a medical emergency (although, we need to rule the more serious things out).
But what can I do to help when dizziness strikes? What will make me be able to cope when my world is spinning?
For some advice and practical tips download the ‘What can I do when I feel dizzy?’ information booklet – or get in touch to talk about what you’re experiencing for some reassurance and advice – or do both!
If you, or anyone you know, is experiencing dizziness, vertigo or issues with their balance – check out the information booklet by clicking here – or get in touch to see how the Dizziness, Balance & Concussion Centre can help.